Cystic Fibrosis [CF] is an illness that presents situations that are dynamic. There is just not a blanket approach that can be taken to the treatment of the illness. The result is that a remedy/cure remains elusive.
To any organization that caters to the challenges of CF one thing is certain, we cannot become complacent. When we do something one year and it becomes successful, we cannot adopt a cookie cutter approach and decide that this particular approach will be taken from now on. We like the illness that we are addressing must evolve, we must do more.
In earlier days, we held the gala fundraiser, it became an event that many looked forward to on an annual basis. It grew in popularity and reputation, but the benefits derived fell. Instead of making money that could be contributed to the cause of aiding those who suffer from CF, the organization itself began to suffer from the associated costs.
So then, we have had to seek alternate ways of raising funds. Is it easy, certainly not by the stretch of our imagination. Daily we recognize the reality of Luke 10:2, where it says, "The harvest truly is great but the labourers are few". We have to heed the second part of that verse which is to ask for others to come help.
Can you contribute? Yes, you can!
There are committees and sub-committees where so much needs to be done to be compliant. We need think tanks where ideas for fundraisers are developed that would keep our supporters engaged. We need to have ongoing fundraising since it is not only our desire to help the sufferers but to raise awareness, contribute to our global effort of finding the ever elusive cure(s). The ever expensive and necessary medication which those affected by CF needs every month.
We also need to race against time, since as we win the "battle" in keeping people with CF alive, we have to develop programs for when they age, since jobs would not be able to pay them at the levels they require to maintain the costs of medication and care that make parents stagger financially and emotionally when they have to provide for those with CF within the family, while still maintaining the other elements of family life.
We have to cope since family situations change due to the stresses resulting in breakdown of the family via divorce, pending retirement, job displacement, rising costs of living, and fuel costs that make airline travel for medical care even more difficult. The amount of moving parts to be considered when dealing with caring for someone with CF can be overwhelming if not put in perspective with the required and welcome assistance.
How can we address these various scenarios? Only with the grace of God, and the help of volunteers. We need you. Please, register today with us indicating your areas of strength that can help us advance our fight against CF.
We are the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation of Barbados, and we are Aware to Care!
This blog truly highlights the reality of what we faces daily with the fight for a cure and assisting those living with the disease. Visit our website. Make a donation via our payPal account. Volunteer and help us today. Email me