Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Making a difference with CF care donations

Living with Cystic Fibrosis [CF] does not only affect the individual suffering from the illness, it impacts their family as well. The adaptations of lifestyle are noticed especially when older siblings then have to care for younger ones who may sufferers since they have to be more attentive.

Apart from the excess care of loved ones, financial care is really needed as CF demands that the sufferer takes medication and treatments that are quite expensive; even for a two (2) parent household.

The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation of Barbados [Cffb] was established to build awareness, assist with care, and contribute towards finding a cure as capacity is built. Functioning under the slogan of "Aware to Care", The Cffb has been raising funds tirelessly; each year trying to surpass previous levels of contribution as the costs of care continue to escalate.

So far, the assistance being provided is but a trickle by the organization's estimation as so the focus is maintained to build awareness and generate more opportunities for offering care.

Pictured above are parents of children with CF receiving their care package contributions by the Treasurer, Ms. Linda Foster for the year 2015.

In 2017, by the Cffb not having the gala dinner, the organization is faced with the challenge of raising necessary funds to provide for the children whose overseas doctor visits are rapidly approaching. In essence, we want to make a substantial difference in our donations and exceed what we have donated in the past to those families who need urgent assistance.

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