Sunday, 19 April 2015

Balancing Time, Effort, and Results

It is usually said, if you want something done ask a busy person. This got me thinking about what does a busy person do that the rest of us don't. How does a busy person get to effectively balance time and effort while achieving results?

Externally, we all look the same; at least generally. It isn't race, sex, education, social status, nor any other superficial characteristic. What is key about those who achieve what they put their minds towards seems to stem from the following:

  • purpose
  • character
  • will and strength of resolve
  • goals that are well defined 
  • objectives that are clear
  • respect for others and by others 
  • their ability to control time 
How involved are you? What contributions are you making to the existence of someone other than your own?  If a few words can make a difference to you today what would they be?
  1. Get involved
  2. Make a positive difference 
  3. Help someone today
  4. Get on purpose
  5. Commit to something bigger than you
  6. These are just a few
What would be your action phrase? Open opportunities that you didn't know were available.

You have what it takes to be a volunteer. Yes, it requires commitment and dedication, and functioning in a team environment can help make it feel easier so that you're not overwhelmed. You will learn skills. develop good attributes, and just maybe get recognition certificates in the areas of competence that you demonstrate.

Let us know if you're interested, as we try to make our programs for volunteers quite meaningful. Remember - balance your time, put in your efforts, and see the results.

Special thanks to the 100 Voice Project in 2014. Looking forward to your program in 2015. 

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